Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Free Gift!

I've decided to start a new monthly feature on the blog that will (hopefully) directly benefit those that follow the blog regularly. Each month, I will post a link to a high-resolution image with that month's calendar embedded in it. Feel free to use this for your desktop wallpaper, if you so choose. Consider it my gift to you. My cousin Rick (over at uses the phrase, "Share if you dare" and I like it! So do that... just send them to my blog to get the updates.

For this first month, I dug into the archives a bit... I was feeling a little tired of the rainy weather here in the Northwest and wanted some sunshine. This photo is from my 2005 trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. So since most of us aren't venturing back to Mexico for a while (thank you swine flu!), I thought I'd bring some of Mexico back to my blog readers. Enjoy!

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Rick said...

Thanks for the help on my blog cousin. You're a "pal."

The giveaway is a good idea. I give away my doodles and it keeps people coming back for more. Maybe you should be sure to make the image "portrait" in it's orientation. That way people would be more able to use it as their computer wallpaper.

Rick said...

Duh!! That's what you already said. I didn't read careful enough.